Almost Sorted

The banning drama is almost resolved, thank goodness.

It turns out to be a series of banking issues on both my bank’s part, and D’s bank (D = daughter’s bf). I’ve been talking on the phone and in support ticket with a particular Linden who has been incredibly helpful and supportive. So I’m back, now, although we’re still waiting for word on the rest of the family.

I was surprised, when I logged in again for the first time after the ban, and found I had more L$ than I was expecting. I looked at Transaction History and saw an entry “Linden Grant”, of an amount that probably accounts for my missed days on Premium, but also is about the right amount to cover the cost of those international phonecalls.

So I have to say that my faith in Linden Labs customer service is restored; they’re certainly a lot better at handling things over the phone than by support ticket.

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